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Workshop on Belief and Misinformation

Current Research Scholars

We are fortunate to have the participation of these eight scholars in our current study group

Study Group Organizer:  Marshall Alcorn Professor Emeritus, English and Human Sciences George Washington University

Principal Advisor:  Karl Figlio Professor Emeritus, Psychoanalysis University of Essex, Clinical Associate, British Psychoanalytic Society

Researcher Associates:  

Susan Munford, Clinical Psychologist, Baltimore Washington Psychoanalytic Society

Naussica Renner, Research Scholar, Baltimore Washington Psychoanalytic Society

Evelyn Schreiber, Professor English, George Washington University

Richard Sha, Professor English, American University

Robert Winer, Psychiatrist, Baltimore Washington Psychoanalytic Society

Jean Wyatt, Professor Emeritus, English, Occidental College

Featured Scholarship

Richard Sha and Joel Faflak.  Romanticism and Consciousness Revisited (Edinburgh UP, 2022)

Karl Figlio.  Remembering As Reparation: Psychoanalysis and Historical Memory.  Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

Jean Wyatt.  Love and Narrative Form in Toni Morrison's Late Novels.  University of Georgia Press, 2017.

Evelyn Schreiber.  Race, Trauma, and Home in the Novels of Toni Morrison.  LSU Press, 2010.

Robert Winer and Kerry Malawista.  Who's Behind the Couch?: The Heart and Mind of the Analyst.  Routledge Press, 2017.

Marshall Alcorn.  Resistance to Learning: Overcoming the Desire Not to Know in the Classroom.  Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 

Reading Syllabus

February    The Social Generation of Belief and Violence 

Mike Rothschild, The Storm is Upon Us: How QAnon Became a Movement, Cult and Conspiracy Theory of Everything.

W.W. Meissner,  “Projection and Projective Identification”. 

B. Richards and K. Figlio, “The Containing Matrix of the Social”  

March    Political Processes and Psychic Traits

Richard Hofstadter,  The Paranoid Style in of American Politics

Klein, “Mourning and its Relation to Manic-Depressive States”


April.  Philosophical Analysis of Belief States

Ludwig Wittgenstein, On Certainty

Interdisciplinary Scholarship on Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, Art, Literature, and Politics

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The Forum will publish research summaries as pdf files to use for teachers and scholars

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